Friday, December 27, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Types Of Conditioning, Classical And Operant - 2282 Words
Learning theories are normally divided into paradigms, these paradigms symbolise the different views in learning. They consist of; behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, humanism and play. Behaviourism is â€Å"the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts and feelings†(Oxford dictionaries) a behaviourist believes that all learners start with a clean slate and that we are conditioned. Conditioning happens when we interact with the environment and how the environment stimulates us dictates our actions. There are two types of conditioning, classical and operant. Theorist Ivan Pavlov is associated with classical conditioning; Pavlov was born September 1849 in Rayazan Russia and died February 1936. He studied at the University of St Petersburg and received a degree in the Candidate of Natural Sciences in 1875. His theory came about through his study of dogs, he noticed that every time he entered the room in his white lab coat his dog would salivate even if he didn’t have any food, the dog didn’t learn to salivate it was a reflex, it is ‘hard-wired’ into the dog; an unconditioned response. He linked this to the white lab coat, the dogs had learned they would receive food. He wanted to take this further so he then introduced a bell, this was a neutral stimulus, every time he gave the dogs food he would ring the bell, after repeating this action a few times he then rang the bell on its own and the effect was theShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Conditioning, Classical, Operant, Instrumental, Hvac1415 Words  | 6 P ageshas interested me the most is the different types of conditioning; classical, operant, instrumental, etc. I found it interesting and intriguing that over time and a series or repetition we can control the way that people and other organisms react to certain stimuli by manipulating and controlling the variables as they pertain to the situation. It was easy to decide that I wanted to write my term paper on a topic that fell under the realm of conditioning but I also wanted to step outside of my comfortRead MorePhobias and Addictions Related to Classical and Operant Conditioning865 Words  | 4 PagesAddictions as Related to Classical and Operant Conditioning Introduction People can become conditioned to respond to various stimuli in positive and negative ways, including phobias and addictions. In order to better understand how stimuli elicit phobic or addictive responses, this paper provides a discussion concerning phobias and addictions as related to classical and operant conditioning, including explorations of how phobias can be developed through classical conditioning and how addictions canRead MoreClassical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning1189 Words  | 5 Pagessimilarities between Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning? Many people believe that Classical and Operant are similar. Several people don’t know what the similarities and differences of Classical and Operant are, several people think it is the same learning method, which in this case I’m going to compare and contrast each behavior and give you information about each one, so you could have a better understanding of each method and what they do. Classical a nd Operant are very similar to eachRead MoreA Study on Operant and Classical Conditioning1477 Words  | 6 PagesOperant and Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning best explains reflective responding that is largely controlled by stimuli preceding the response, while operant conditioning is the kind of learning influenced by stimulus events that follow the responses. (Weiten). In operant conditioning, reinforcement is defined as after the fact. Reinforcement follows a response and increases tendency to make the response. In classical conditioning, the reinforcement comes before the response is madeRead MorePavlov s Classical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning1172 Words  | 5 PagesPavlov’s Classical Conditioning vs. B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Bhavika D. Patel Atlantic Community College Abstract Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner both studied learning, in which they both did different experiments on different animals and with different conditioning. Classical conditioning is the process in which two stimuli become linked; once this association has been recognized, an originally neutral stimulus is conditioned to provoke an involuntary response. The dogs in Pavlov’s studiesRead MoreCompare and Constrast Classical and Operant Conditioning737 Words  | 3 PagesCompare and contrast classical and operant conditioning, their theories, terminology, famous psychologists and applications of the theory for teaching. Classical and operant conditioning are two important concepts central to behavioral psychology. While both result in learning, the processes are quite different. In order to understand how each of these behavior modification techniques can be used, it is also essential to understand how classical conditioning and operant conditioning differ from one anotherRead MorePhobias1174 Words  | 5 Pagesdeveloped through operant conditioning and how addictions can be developed through operant conditioning. This essay also examines the distinctions between classical and operant condition and examines â€Å"extinction†as it relates to psychological theory and how extinction is achieved in classical and operant conditioning. Phobias and Addictions Numerous psychologists believe that behaviors are learned through conditioning. These conditionings are known as operant, which is based onRead MoreClassical and Operant Conditioning Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagesworld. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are both basic forms of learning, they have the word conditioning in common. Conditioning is the acquisition of specific patterns of behavior in the presence of well-defined stimuli. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one stimulus to another, previously neutral stimulus. Classical conditioning is achieved by manipulating reflexes. Operant conditioning is a type of learningRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1146 Words  | 5 Pageslearning is known as conditioning. Conditioning stresses the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. As stated before, learning may occur in different ways but Classical and Operant conditioning are two of several theories on learning which take the behaviorist approach. â€Å"Classical conditioning is an association of one event with another that results in a pattern of behavior.†Operant conditioning however, is â€Å"learningRead MorePavlov s Classical Conditioning And Skinner s Operant Conditioning1243 Words  | 5 PagesTaSheena Moore 2/4/2016 PSY 110 Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning and Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience. There are two types of learning, associative learning and cognitive learning. Associative learning occurs when a person or an animal forms a simple association among various stimuli, behaviors, or both. It requires little to no awareness or thought. Cognitive learning refers to understanding, knowing, and anticipating. Our subject
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Analytics of Economics
Question: Include an introduction where you provide an overview or 'essence of the story'. What is the purpose of your assignment? What economic models/concepts are you going to use to analyse? For example, will you be using the model of demand and supply, concepts such as opportunity cost, elasticity, consumers and producers surplus? Answer: 1. Introduction The article Beef prices set to explode by Catherine Miller published on 17the January 2015 in the Stock Journal stated that the Australian beef producers will benefit from the sale of beef because in the recent years the demand for beef consumption is increasing compared to the supply of beef. The article shows that since 1973 the demand for beef has been low all over the world and the major reason behind that being the taste and preference of the customers. However from early 2003 with the change in the eating habits of the people the demand for the product has increased and even China is seen to turn into an exporter of beef. However Australian beef companies are not benefiting from the increased demand because of the reduction in the number of cattle due to natural drought. Dr. Ainsworth confirmed that the Australian producers will start benefiting when they are able to gain back the situation. The report examines the contents of the article using the microeconomic techniques like demand and supply model, relationship between the variables and changes in demand and supply and also analyses the different contributing factors to changes in the demand rate. 2. Relation between price and demand and supply According to the law of demand states that there is an inverse relationship between the price and the quantity demanded.So when the price of a product increases other things remaining the Constant (Like the income of the product, taste and preferences of customers, prices of the related goods, demand of the related goods) the demand for the product decreases and vice versa. However in certain exceptional cases if the supply of the product remains the same without showing any increase or decrease then with the increase in demand the price also increases. The rise in the price for beef with the rise in the demand for the same is an example of Veblen good. A Veblen good is a luxury good that is consumed by the customers to establish a status symbol in the society. Figure 1: Normal demand curve and Demand curve for Veblen goods (Source: Ball, Madeline K and David Seidman,, 2012,pp96) The above figures shows the opposite effects of the prices on the quantity demanded of the goods. The Demand curve for Veblen goods (Beef) shows that with high price P1 the quantity demanded will be Q1 and when the price decreases from P1 to P2 the quantity demanded for the goods also decreases from Q1 to Q2. Hence two separate demand curves namely D1 and D2 have been drawn to show the reduction in the demand rate due to reduction in price. Economists opined that in these kinds of goods the reduction in price leads the consumers to believe that the reduction in the price denotes a poor quality of the goods and hence the demand decreases. In case of normal demand curve it is seen that at low price level of P2 the demand is higher at Q2 and with the increases in the price of the goods the demand decreases to Q1. Around 50% of the population of China prefers beef as a part of their daily diet because they assume it to be healthier and beef consumption is as sign of high income society in China. Hence the demand for beef import is forecasted to increase by 15% which will enable the Australian producers to increase the prices of the beef by 3.2%. In spite of the high prices the demand for Beef will remain the same. Figure 2: Increasing trend in Beef demand in China (Source: D. S. Gosalamang,2012, pp58) 3. Factors for effecting demand Economists suggested that apart from price there are certain other factors that affect the demand of the goods in a positive manner.In the past decade average beef consumption has increased due to the influence of the following factors. Taste and preferences: Changes in the taste and preferences of the consumers increase the demand for a product. Experts have opined in case of cultural preferences the demand for a product will be highly affected.The demographic composition of the population of the country is responsible for the taste and preference of the consumers. The per capita consumption of beef in the chart below of the various countries reflects the cultural preference of the population of these countries. Figure 3: Per capita consumption of beef in major beef consuming countries, 2014 (Source: , 2015) The lowest beef consumption in India indicates the fact that due to the presence of large Hindu population the cultural preference for beef is very low in this country. On the contrary due to the large availability of Cattle and a small national market beef is the primary and traditional component of Argentine cuisine. Income of the consumers: The income level determines the ability of the consumers to purchase a particular product. Hence the higher the disposable income the more is the consumption power of the consumers and hence the demand for goods increases. Majority of the beef consuming countries falls within the range of middle and high income nations. However the quantities and the quality of Beef consumption will depend upon the income level of the consuming countries. Since beef is more expensive than the other forms of meat hence the consumption is low in sensitive economies like Mexico, Japan and China. However the growth in the GDP rate of China by 1.13% and a high population is forecasted to make China one of the potential consumers of beef. The article shows that in the past decade the consumption of beef in China was around 4.3 kgs a person however the country had to convert itself into importer of beef when the country was not able to meet the internal requirement. This was induced due to the growing economy in China. Substitute goods consumption: The demand for a product is also influenced by the price and demand for a substitute good. If the price of the substitute good is lower than the actual product then the demand for the substitute good will rise and the demand of the actual good will fall. In nutritional context major competitors of beef are pork, dairy products, eggs, meats, chicken sea foods and vegetables. Many low income countries like India and Mexico switch over to vegetable, sea foods, chicken and eggs as a source of protein rather than preferring beef. The higher price of beef makes it an opportunity cost for the low earning consumers. Figure 4: Consumption of nutritional sources (Source: Maltz, Arnold, 2012, pp53) China produces and consumes the largest amount of pork which is a substitute to the beef. Being farming country Chinas agriculture is suited to produce pork hence the consumption of beef had decreased in the past decades. As per Forbes UK consumption of beef has also become stagnant due to stagnancy in the population and income growth and hence the consumers are now switching over to chicken consumption. Quality of the product: Quality of a product may increase the value of the product there by increasing the demand for the product. It is a rare factor in case of all products however in case of high priced products and food products quality is an important determinant of demand. Certified by the Public Health journal, beef is one of the healthiest diet packed with 72% of iron and noted to contain amount of healthy fats that can decrease the risk of heart diseases by lowering the LDL and increasing the HDL. Recent studies shows around 12.5% increase in the demand for beef results due to the factors like quality, flavor, color, tenderness and juiciness of the product. It is also suggested that part from these factors some concerning factors that affect the demand for beef are the nutritional value, healthiness, animal welfare and environmental concerns. 4. Factor for decrease in Australian beef supply The article focuses on the negative aspect of low supply of beef focusing on the following factors that can contribute to low supply rate of beef. Natural calamities: The recent drought experienced by Australia increased the feed prices and reduced the supply of beef. The poor seasonal condition of the country has reduced the availability of pasture and has thus reduced the fresh supply of cattle for beef production.The decrease in the pasture quality during the drought requires the producers to arrange for supplementary feeding and this increases the overall cost hence the producers tend to reduce the stock numbers. The droughts experienced by Australia in the years 1994-1995, 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 shows the rise in the price of both the feeds. Figure 5: Prices of feed during drought in Australia (Source: Mlote, Sophia Nyakunga et al, 2013, pp41) 5. Conclusion The project shows the effect of price on Veblen goods and also the affect of other variables on the demand for the products. The report uses the economic laws and the concepts in analyzing the present demand trend of beef in the global market and it shows that beef being a Veblen product the demand increases with the increase in price. The only constraining factor that is affecting the supply of beef is the natural calamity faced by Australian producers. The beef consumption has changed over the time due to the factors like improved quality, changes in cultural preferences and consumer demographics, increase in disposable income and changes in the price of substitute goods. Reference list Books Ball, Madeline K and David Seidman,Supply And Demand(Rosen Pub., 2012) Geunes, Joseph,Demand Flexibility In Supply Chain Planning(Springer, 2012) Mankiw, N. Gregory, Mark P Taylor and Andrew Ashwin,Business Economics(Cengage Learning, 2013) Newbold, Paul, William L Carlson and Betty Thorne,Statistics For Business And Economics(Pearson, 2013) Journals S. Gosalamang, 'Supply Response Of Beef Farmers In Botswana: A Nerlovian Partial Adjustment Model Approach' (2012) 7Afr. J. Agric. Res. Maltz, Arnold, 'Global Supply Chains: Other Voices' (2012) 48J Supply Chain Manag Mlote, Sophia Nyakunga et al, 'Factors Affecting Agro-Pastoralist And Pastoralists Willingness To Adopt Beef Cattle Fattening In The Lake Zone In Tanzania' (2013) 5Journal of Agricultural Science Soliz, Shreya,Price Concepts In Management Economics(World Technologies, 2012) Taiwo, B.B.A., O.D.D. Olaniran and F.A. Aluko, 'Breed And Environmental Factors Affecting Body Measurements Of Beef Cattle In Yewa, Nigeria' (2010) 5Agricultural J. Verga, Giovanni and Maria-Gaia Soana, 'Supply And Demand In The European Credit Market During The Recent Crisis' (2012) 22Applied Financial Economics Websites (2015) how-increased-meat-consumption-in-china-changes-landscapes-across-the-globe. Available at: [Accessed on 17.1.2015]
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Is there pride in serving in our military free essay sample
When it comes to the U. S. Military, define pride as being proud of something one does or accomplishes every day, or one who finds pride In their country. There is a man, he did not serve in the military long. But he learned a lot in his 8 years of serving. He served when there was really no war for America to fight in, so he was never deployed, but he still learned a lot about how the military works. This man that I am speaking of is my father. And yes, I asked him the exact question that I am answering for you today.Is there pride In serving In our military? He did not understand what was asking at first. But then I explained to him that the question is basically asking, should and American be proud to serve in the U. S. Military, after I asked him he thought for second. We will write a custom essay sample on Is there pride in serving in our military? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then looked at me and said absolutely yes. I fully agree with my father. Now the question is why? Why did I decide to agree? Well, I agree because if someone is serving in the U. S. Military they fight everyday for the largest free country In the world.I find that as something to be very proud of, cause they are willing to fight for the country they love. They are willing to risk their lives for their friends, their neighbors, their family and the men and women whom they have never met who live in the united States of America. These men and women serving are so selfless that they are willing to go to an unfamiliar country in not the best o conditions, away from their friends and families with the possibility of never returning and never seeing them again.This soldier Is fighting on the front line with only their brother or sister in arms to trust with their fife and this soldier is trusted with their life also. This soldier has to wake up every morning to just a picture of their family because they dont get to see their family as often as they like. Some people are saying no to the question, Is there pride In serving In our military I am okay with their opinion. But, their reasoning may be that when a soldier goes into the military and goes to boot camp the commanding officers tear this soldier down emotionally and not try to build t hat soldier back up.I disagree, hen a soldier goes into boot camp, yes, their commanding officers do tear them down. I do agree with that but, they do build them back up with respect for their superiors, respect for God, respect for their family, and respect for their country. So, In conclusion, my answer to the question Is their pride In serving In our putting their lives on the line to give us freedom everyday. It gives me the freedom to be standing in the spot that I am standing in now. It gives you the freedom to have the type of music that is on your pod right now.It gives us all the freedom to be wearing the things we are wearing now. It gives us the freedom to be educated. The freedom to choose our Jobs. The freedom to decide whether or not we want to serve in the military. I could name many more freedoms for you but that would take all day. These men and women that serve or have served at some point in time have every right to have pride. They are selfless enough to fight for me and each and every one of you every single day. These men and women are the reason I am proud to be an American. Thank you.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Italy essays
Italy essays Italia. The land of fashion, food, fun, and beauty. When the Italian's call their land Belpaese, the beautiful country, they are not joking in the least. From the gorgeous Colosseum in Rome to vinyards in Sicily, there is never too much to see and take in in Italy. Italy became a nation state in 1861 when the city-states of the peninsula, along with Sardinia and Sicily, were united under King Victor Emmanuel II. Parliamentary government came to a close in the early 1920's when Benito Mussolini established fascist dictatorship and later formed an alliance with Nazi Germany that led to Italy's defeat in World War II. Later in 1946, democratic republic replaced monarchy and an economic revival then followed. Italy has been a charter member of NATO and European Economic Community (EEC) and in 1999 joined the European Monetary Union. Some persistant problems in Italy include illegal immigration, organized crimed, curruption, high unemployment, sluggish economic growth, and low incomes and technical standards of southern Italy compared to the prosperous north. Italy's boundaries are Austria, France, Holy See (Vatican City), San Marino, Slovenia, and Switzerland. This means there is a numerous amount of languages spoken in Italy, although Italian is the dominant language. Some others include German, French, Slovene, Croation, and Serbian. Italy is known as the worlds "living art gallery" where the rest of the world can thank the Italians for much great music, art, and literature. I'd encourage any one who ever has the chance to visit this remarkable country to do so at any oppurtunity. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Two Friends with Different Lifestyles Essays
Two Friends with Different Lifestyles Essays Two Friends with Different Lifestyles Paper Two Friends with Different Lifestyles Paper Two Friends with different life-styles Cecilia Vega Everest Online Composition I – (ENC1101-9)/ Instructor McClure Two friends with different life-styles When I asked, â€Å"What is a life-style? †People have different opinionated-response: it is the way that you live; to leisure activities with friends, habits, work, interest and opinions. In 2009 Dr. Jeffery Cherubini stated that there are three different paths to pursuit you happiness: The pleasant life, the engaged life and meaningful life (Jacobs, 2011). Friends are someone who you would trust, have common habits and interests, share opinions and enjoy leisure activities; it is a companionship between two people. When you put two friends together, there will always be the different life-styles among them. Seven years from yesterday, I met a friend who has made the term opposites attract really come to life! Tiffany is 24 and I am 27; she has two kids, and I am pregnant with my first one. I am from a military family; and traveled quit often on the other hand Tiffany grew up in a small town, south of the Mississippi border. I work a minimum of 40 hours week and Tiffany is a stay at home mother. I have two incomes in my house and Tiffany has one income. Tiffany has a fiance and I am married. â€Å"There is a difference between being married and single friends. Some of my friends that are single are up for hitting the towns’ night life. Whereas, the married friends that I have are busy at home with their busy families†(Cheryl, 2011) I was raised to respect my elders or those who are older then me. Tiffany is polite but rude at the same time. I do stick-up for myself but I feel that my life just isnt worth fighting with someone whereas Tiffany doesn’t put up with nobodies stink! I am child number three out of four and Tiffany is the oldest out of three. I am extremly close with all my family and Tiffany runs them over like road kill. I am seen her fight with her family and call them names. If that was me, my father would have jacked me up for the lack of respect. Tiffany was a wild child growing up; I was into school and sports. I set goals for myself so that I don’t get let down and Tiffany nevery ccomplishes anything that she starts. Necessities of life are essential that are required for you to live on a daily basis. According to the â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs†the bare necessities are: food, water, oxygen, sleep, and other simple bodily functions (Ruud, Copyright 2011). Tiffany and I have a different meaning of necessities of life. I like to save just about every penny opposed to Tiffany spending everything she has. I mean don’t get me wrong, I like to go shopping for my husband and I; but I try to only but what we need at that moment. I like to have a little room for play, just incase I want to take a trip whereas Tiffany has to give herself a months notice so that she can save up for the trip, to include spending money. I like to go grocery shopping every week and she goes like twice a week; I feel like she spends twice as much instead of doing one big trip. Parenting is not the easiest task in the world; it could be very complex and strinous some times. Kendra Cherry say â€Å"There are four inportant dimensions of parenting: (a) disciplinary strategies, (b) warmth and nurturance, (c) cummunication styles, and (d) expectations of maturity and control (Cherry, Copyright 2011). Tiffany has a tendency to yell and curse at her children and I do not plan to do that. Tiffany raises her hands to her childer and treatens them while I plan to use the disciplinary strategies to the fullest. I am a very calm person and Tiffany is consitanly being loud. I have yet had the heart to tell her that I don’t agree with home she talks to her childern. I almost feel like they are little slaves to her becking call. But there again parenting is a challenge so bring it on!! Even though everyone is different, a friendship is about trust, befriending someone; when two friends colide, you are always going to have the different lifestyles. Tiffany and I don’t get to hang out much because of our different lifestyles, but when we get that special time together; it is always cherished. Tiffany and I are complete oppisets of each other. She is a party-goer and I am a home body. She has a lived-in house and I am a neat freak. So the question is: How do two oppisets attract? References Cherry, K. (Copyright 2011). Parenting Styles The Four Styles of Parenting. Retrieved 12 3, 2011, from About. com: http://psychology. about. com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/parenting-style. htm Cheryl. (2011). Family Life vs. Single life. Retrieved 11 24, 2011, from HubsPage. Jacobs, O. (2011, June 14). What is the meaning of lifestyle? Retrieved December 3, 2011, from livestrong: livestrong. com/article/290197-what-is-the-meaning-of-lifestyle/ Ruud, M. (Copyright 2011). Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs 87. Retrieved 12 3, 2011, from HubPages: http://maddieruud. hubpages. com/hub/Hierarchy_of_Needs
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Safety and Health Issues in the Hospital Laboratory Essay
Safety and Health Issues in the Hospital Laboratory - Essay Example This is what occupational health and safety is all about; protecting the workers from the possible health and security hazards in the work place. Basically, occupational health and safety is an interdisciplinary field which is concerned with the protection of the safety, welfare and the health of the people in work or employment environment. Primarily, the workers are the one who are protected but as a secondary effect, the co-workers, family members, customers, suppliers, surrounding community and the general public that may be affected by the work environment have also to be protected. This paper seeks to highlight health and safety at the work place by considering a case study of a hospital laboratory. It will consider the possible health and safety hazards in the hospital laboratory and how they can easily be managed. Occupational health and safety is not a new idea because since 1950, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) jointly sought to define the concept. The paraphrased joint definition requires that occupational health aims at maintenance of the physical, social and mental wellbeing of all the workers in their workplace (Ladou, 2006). It should also prevent all the safety and health hazards caused by the working conditions thereby protecting the health and physical safety of the workers in a particular working environment. Finally, the practice of occupational safety health and safety also ensures the assignment and maintenance of workers in environment which is in tandem with both their psychological and physiological capacities and thereby adapting the worker to his job and vice versa. Having seen the three major concerns of the practice of occupational health and safety, we shall basically focus on the role of prevention of the safety and health hazards that are caused by the working conditions (Roughton, 2002). In this case, the work environment being considered is the hospital laboratory. 3.0 The Case Study The hospital laboratory is a very important part in the hospital system that helps in the diagnostic function of the system. The laboratory either confirms diagnosis or provides information that helps in the diagnostic process. In the laboratory, the tests that are carried out are aimed at establishing the cause of the observed disease symptoms. The test is often carried out on body fluids and/or wastes such as urine, faeces, blood, sputum, saliva, etc. All these fluids are very potent media for pathogens and other micro organisms that cause diseases in the human body. The test in the
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